
End User Licence Agreement

Our End User Licence Agreement, or “EULA,” is designed to protect our company and customers’ data. The terms and conditions of The NexaSpy’s proprietary software and application are accepted by the user by purchasing or using NexaSpy licensed software.

End User Licence Agreement:

Our End User Licence Agreement, or “EULA,” is designed to protect our company and customers’ data. The terms and conditions of The NexaSpy’s proprietary software and application are accepted by the user by purchasing or using NexaSpy licensed software. The EULA describes the guidelines for using our software and application. In case of legal disputes, the EULA will be used as evidence in court.

We encourage all our customers to read the EULA carefully before purchasing the software. 

This End User Licence Agreement (EULA) sets the terms for installing and using  NexaSpy software. If you do not agree to these terms, we recommend that you do not install or purchase the NexaSpy software.

It would help if you informed the device owner that he or she is being monitored with the NexaSpy app. Installing NexaSpy on a device without the owner’s knowledge may result in legal consequences.

Only lawful uses are intended for the NexaSpy. We do not support using our software for illicit purposes.

Coverage of the Licence:

The NexaSpy software’s conditions of use are unambiguous: users must accept them when purchasing the spyware, and once they have done so, they cannot be changed or cancelled. You should install the NexaSpy app on your own devices following the licence agreement you purchased as a user. After you review the data, put it to use by setting the software to track an app or cloud-based data. Before utilising the Nexa Spy software, ensure you have the legal right to any accounts, applications, or websites you monitor. A cloud-based platform allows virtual access to devices with something other than the NexaSpy. Lastly, be sure to use the NexaSpy under the licence you were granted.

Legal Use Designation:

Only individuals with legal access to the target device, app, or account are permitted to use the NexaSpy software. We consider it a violation of our agreements if someone installs our software on a device they do not legitimately possess. Any legal actions resulting from that situation will be the user’s responsibility. In addition, offenders will be subject to legitimate criminal or legal sanctions.

Wrong Use of the Software:

By accepting and consenting to our terms of use, you have agreed that under no circumstances you will misuse the NexaSpy spyware to harass, abuse, stalk, defame, threaten, blackmail, or threaten anybody. As a user, it is your responsibility to protect the software developer from any harm brought on by incorrect use. Whenever we find that our app is being used without the device owner’s consent, we will give the complainant instructions on uninstalling the app. We will also make sure to permanently block the violator’s account to prevent future misuse of the NexaSpy software. It’s important to note that all data within the NexaSpy accounts is encrypted and, therefore, not accessible to third parties. We will, however, provide the user’s personal information to law authorities if they need it for legal reasons.


Intellectual property rights secure the NexaSpy software. As a result, we only let the licensed user own, set up, and utilise The NexaSpy app for personal purposes are subject to the following limitations:  The user may not sell, rent, lease or redistribute the software. Modifying, changing, deriving, or duplicating source code without our consent violates the user agreement and may result in legal penalties. In addition, disclosing the NexaSpy app to third parties without our consent is also a violation.

Terms and Termination:

The subscription plan for which the customer signed up and paid is the only one for which the NexaSpy software licence is valid. Although users can renew their subscriptions, access to and use of the app is no longer permitted when they expire. The user removes the app from the target device if the subscription is not renewed.

Limited Warranty:

The NexaSpy provides a limited guarantee for the software licence that ends with the subscription plan. We will extend the full warranty until the subscription plan expires if the user obtains replacements, upgrades, or supplements within that period. This implied warranty is only valid as long as the limited warranty, to the extent permitted by law.

Exclusions from Warranty:

NexaSpy’s warranty will be null and void if the user or any other party is negligent.

Limitations of Liability:

The user confirms that they have read, comprehended, and agreed to the essential terms and conditions of use of the NexaSpy spy app by installing it. The stated and implicit terms and conditions apply to all users. A third party cannot enforce this software licence’s terms and restrictions. We will use courts worldwide and under common law to enforce this user licensing agreement. The remainder of this agreement’s clauses will still be fully enforceable if any clauses are invalid.

International Use:

The NexaSpy app is only open to use globally except for Homeland Security, Treasury, or Commerce. By consenting to our terms and conditions, you certify that you are not under the jurisdiction of a national or a resident of any restricted region or territory in the list mentioned earlier.